Club Z! Tutoring helps New Providence High School Club Z! Tutoring helps New Providence High School PTSA raise over $600 with SAT Boot Camp Club Z! Tutoring & Test Prep of North Jersey in support of the New Providence High…
Club Z! Tutoring Raises Money for NPHS Club Z! Tutoring & Test Prep of North Jersey organized an SAT Boot Camp in conjunction with the Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) of New Providence High School (NPHS) and chaired by PTSA…
County Teacher Recognition Program Awards Congratulations to the New Providence School District recipients of the Union County Teacher Recognition Program award, and the Teachers of the Year! Mr. Dougher – New Providence High School Mr. Bennington – New Providence Middle School…
Lions Club High School Scholarship Recipients Submitted by Linda Kale Every year the New Providence Lions Club awards 3 deserving New Providence resident high school graduating seniors a $2,000 scholarship to help further their education. Emphasis is on a good…