Rahway Elks’ Special Children’s Christmas Party

(above) Rahway Elks volunteers Mary Ellen Paxton, ER Jonathan Joshua, Bob Temple, Jr. Elk Colton Petti, Robin Mastroberardino, Larry Mastroberardino (Cook for the day), and Gary Jack.

Special Children’s Christmas Party

On Saturday, December 10, 2022, the Rahway Elks’ Special Children’s Committee (SCC) hosted their annual Special Children’s Christmas Party. Students from Rahway schools with special needs were invited to attend with their families. We had over 50 people attend. The children danced to music, played games, colored pictures, watched Andy the Clown perform a magic act, and got to visit with Santa. Everyone ate their fill of chicken nuggets, fries, hot dogs, chips, cookies, and ice cream. 

All children received a goodie bag from Santa and special needs students also received a gift card for Target, compliments of the SCC committee. The party was paid for using a $500 grant from the Elks National Foundation and a generous donation from Pete Kowal. Additionally, funds were raised for our special children’s committee events through our lodge functions. 

We look forward to hosting this party every year! The Special Children’s Committee of Rahway Lodge also uses funds to send students to Camp Moore, a week-long special needs camp that is free to families. If you are interested in this opportunity please reach out to the SCC Chair Kristina Petti at 908-910-2419. We look forward to hosting more events at our lodge in the future!

Courtesy photos

(above) Santa with Liam Donovan, the NJ Elks’ alternate ambassador sponsored by Rahway Elks.
(above) Rahway Elks Volunteers Special Children’s Committee Chair Kristina Petti, Robin Mastroberardino, and Laura Mello Pobuta
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