Category: Madison Monthly

Damiano’s Service Center Honored for 47-Year Career

Damiano’s Service Center Honored Madison Chamber of Commerce In a heartwarming celebration held recently to honor Fred Damiano and his service center, Mayor Conley, along side of Fred and Frank Zara, tied a ribbon to commemorate the wrapping up of a wonderful 47-year

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Thrift Shop Prepared for August Sales

Madison Independent Thrift Shop The Madison Independent Thrift Shop are prepared for their sales in August. All linens will be on sale and anything with a plug will be offered at 50% off. The Thrift Shop, located at 39 Kings

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Madison Public Library August Programs

Madison Public Library August 2023 Knitting Club Monday, August 7th @1pm Come have fun and knit with us! Our knitting club meets every Monday for 1pm-3pm.  No registration required. Civil War Medicine with the Mutter Museum of Philadelphia Zoom – Tuesday, August

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Morris County Expands Veterans Services and Support

Veterans Services & Support expanded County of Morris The Morris County Veterans Services Office (VSO) is expanding accommodations, staff and key services to assist veterans and their families under a plan launched by the Morris County Board of County Commissioners. The Commissioners have

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