Watchung Borough holds Juneteenth Celebration

Watchung Juneteenth Celebration

The Watchung Borough community gathered for the Juneteenth Celebration at Mobus Field, on June 19th, 2021. Activities, food, drinks, music and food were all available to those in attendance; as well as a special community quilt project.

Quilting is a long-standing tradition in African and American history. In the past, a quilt has been a way to represent messages, to celebrate and document events of the community. For this first Juneteenth Celebration, the Borough wanted the craft to represent the community. Several patterns of squares were available to color, and blank squares to create messages or pictures that represent the meaning of the day.

The Juneteenth Day Celebration was organized by the Watchung IDEA Committee with support from the Board of Education, PTO, Library, and students from Watchung Hills Regional High School and the Borough of Watchung.