Thursday Morning Club Teams Up with Central Avenue School to Recycle Plastic

TMC Bottle Caps recycling
(above, l-r) Pictured with the bags of plastic caps and lids to donate to Central Avenue School and one of our reusable shopping bags are Club members Olga Soriano and Claire Burling.

TMC and Central Avenue School Recycle Plastic

Submitted by Cathy Gotliffe

In October, 2020 members of Thursday Morning Club of Madison began to collect plastic bottle caps and plastic lids to be recycled, melted down and manufactured into products for outdoor use. The manufacturing of a single bench requires about 200 pounds of lids/caps, more than our Club could store. We therefore joined forces with Central Avenue School, which, under the leadership of teacher Deborah Mantone, was already collecting plastic caps and lids. Their goal was to collect enough caps and lids to recycle and have manufactured into several benches for their school grounds. Our members enthusiastically took on this new project, and on March 31 of this year we donated 61 pounds of caps and lids to Central Avenue School.

As a result of recent town guidelines to reduce the use of single use plastic bags, Thursday Morning Club ordered reusable, sturdy, insulated, zip top shopping bags with reinforced handles that hold hot or cold items. These bags are available for purchase at the Madison Community House for $5.00 each and have been a great success with our members. COVID-19 may have impacted gatherings, but not the work of the Thursday Morning Club members.

Organized in 1896, the Club is a member of both the New Jersey State and General Federation of Women’s Clubs. The club offers programs and services to support the community, and its Community House provides a home for a number of sports, recreation and civic groups. The Thursday Morning Club is a non-profit service organization with over 260 members whose goal is to provide services for the town of Madison and neighboring communities.

For information about the Thursday Morning Club or membership, call the Community House at 973-377-0244 or visit

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