Police Department Appoints Thomas Belscher as Honorary Police Officer

Thomas Belscher Appointed as Honorary Police Officer

It was a very special day for the Florham Park Police Department when during a recent borough council meeting we had the distinct honor and privilege of appointing 7 year-old Florham Park resident, Thomas Belscher, as an Honorary Police Officer. Thomas is the first Honorary Police Officer to serve with the Florham Park Police, donning badge #001.

Officer Belscher is a bit of a community and Briarwood School celebrity who quickly charmed and caught the attention of School Resource Officers Kevin Langereis and Faith Carney. Thomas has Barth Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder. Despite adversity, Thomas always has an infectious smile, positive attitude and a brave spirit. All the characteristics akin to the making of a great Police Officer.

We welcomed Thomas to our department at the council meeting where Thomas got sworn in alongside his parents and sister. Officer Belscher had a sea of supporters who were cheering him on and rallying around him. A crowd full of family, loved ones, Briarwood School staff, his Falcons Football team, and of course his new brothers and sisters in blue. We couldn’t ask for a better addition to our team! It is our pleasure to introduce to the Florham Park community, Honorary Police Officer Thomas Belscher.

Photo credit Cocco Photography

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