Tag: Rahway Garden Club

Rahway Garden Club Article: Leopard Slugs

LEOPARD SLUGS  In the morning after the damage is done, a trail of slime is evidence that slugs are feasting in your garden. Gardeners have many different favorite plants to grow; annuals, perennials, flowers and vegetables. There is one thing

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Rahway Garden Club June Meeting

Rahway Garden Club is Back Join us at our June MeetingMerchants & Drovers Tavern, 1632 Saint Georges Ave.at Grand Ave. Thursday, June 17, 2021Come Share Your Love of Gardening with us 7 PM until 8:30 PM

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Attracting Birds During Summer

Rahway Garden Club The best reason to attract birds during spring and summer is for our own entertainment. Watching the male and female courting rituals, dancing and feeding each other soon followed by bonding and nesting is educational and entertaining.

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Rahway Garden Club Article: The 17 Year Cicadas

THE  17 YEAR CICADAS This spring one of the most incredible insect phenomena will occur in our area; the emergence of the 17 year cicada. As the soil warms up one foot underground, the cicada larva (immature insects) will release

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