Students spend time with seniors The Lincoln School Builders Club joined Garwood seniors at a recent club meeting to play some Bingo. The students did a great job calling the numbers, and loved sharing stories with the seniors! Courtesy photos
Arbor Day Plantings Arbor Day 2023 was celebrated in Garwood by planting new Eastern Redbud trees at Lincoln and Washington Schools. Led by Mayor Jennifer Blumenstock and Shade Tree Board members Robert Bilyeu and Bill Nierstedt, the first planting was…
Garwood Mustangs Spirit Night Basketball Game The Lincoln School in Garwood celebrated their 8th grade basketball players during the annual Spirit Night Basketball Game held recently. The boys team secured a championship banner by finishing with a record of 10 wins and 4 losses.…
The Builders Club The Kiwanis Club of Clark officially welcomed a new member club to their K-Family. The Builders Club at Lincoln School in Garwood was chartered by Kiwanis International, a non-profit global organization that helps children and communities thrive.…