Garwood Schools Celebrate Arbor Day by Planting Trees

(above) Garwood Shade Tree Officer Bill Nierstedt, Mayor Jen Blumenstock and Board member Robert Bilyeu assisted the Washington School YMCA pre-school students in planting trees on Arbor Day.
Courtesy photo

Arbor Day Plantings

Arbor Day 2023 was celebrated in Garwood by planting new Eastern Redbud trees at Lincoln and Washington Schools. Led by Mayor Jennifer Blumenstock and Shade Tree Board members Robert Bilyeu and Bill Nierstedt, the first planting was completed with the assistance of the Westfield YMCA preschoolers who participated in an indoor discussion about trees and their benefits – oxygen, flowers, fruit, shade and beauty – to humans and animals alike.  The students then walked outside where 3 new trees were planted to replace previous trees that had died. Students were shown the proper way to plant trees, and were asked to tell ask their caregivers to plant trees at home in celebration of Arbor Day.

The planting scene then changed to Mrs. Florio’s and Ms. Storti’s third grade classes at Lincoln School who also participated in a tree discussion but with slightly larger words and concepts! Words like habitat and ecosystem suddenly appeared!  Questions about tree life cycles, tree benefits regarding society at large and advanced tree planting techniques were discussed. A new Eastern Redbud was also planted.

All of the trees were obtained through the Union County ‘Free Trees for Schools’ Program in which Garwood has been lucky enough to participate for a number of years. So much so that Lincoln School may be running out of tree planting locations soon!  All students reviewed the purpose behind ‘The Lorax’ which shows in Dr Seuss’ magical wording how important trees are.  Students also viewed pictures of the oldest living trees (Giant Sequoias), and the widest Live Oak. With climate change upon us, and tree planting being an easy way to regain our planet’s health, the Shade Tree Board, Union County, and Garwood students will continue to work together to plant more trees and encourage others to do so too.  That means you, says The Lorax!

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