Tag: Green Summit

Green Summit Completes Successful Collection of Hard to Recycle Items

Green Summit Hard to Recycle Items Collection Submitted by Courtney Cordaro After a two and half month collection, the volunteer organization Green Summit has shipped out the collected items from their drop off location at Reeves-Reed Arboretum. The “hard-to-recycle-items” collection

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Green Summit Seeks Hard to Recycle Items for Collection Drive

Wands and used Gift Cards Sought The Volunteer organization Green Summit, “hard-to-recycle-items” collection drive is going on now through January 2020. The group will be collecting clean and dry mascara wands to be reused by North Carolina nonprofit Appalachian Wildlife

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Summit to Hold Third Repair Café Event: Free Repairs by Experts

Repair Café Event: Free Repairs by Experts, September 21st After two successful events under their belt, Repair Café returns to help the public restore their beloved broken items to working order, while keeping them out of our landfills. Skilled volunteers

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