Samaritan Sandwich-Making Event for Families

Submitted by Sue Caruso-Green

Join local families as we help feed other families in need. We are making sandwiches for St. Joseph’s Social Services Center in Elizabeth. We’ll be gathering at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 16, 2018 in the Education Building of the Cranford United Methodist Church, 201 Lincoln Ave. in Cranford.

Bring your children and grandchildren. This is a great project to do with children to help them to understand that hunger and poverty exists. The need is great. Parents with children, the unemployed and the elderly all wait in the heat for the food to be distributed and the line starts to form early in the morning.

We will have some bread, cold cuts and sandwich baggies available, but please bring some as well. Some suggestions for sandwiches: ham and cheese, turkey, chicken, roast beef, peanut butter and jelly, etc.

Girl Scouts, Brownies, Boy Scouts and Cubs — all are welcome! Many hands make light work as we share our blessings with others.

Can’t make it that day? Send us your email address and we’ll let you know about our next event on November 18.

Questions? Send an email to Sue Caruso-Green or call her at 908-272-1209.

Thank you for caring for others in need.

(above) Join the Cranford United Methodist Church in making sandwiches for St. Joseph’s Social Services Center in Elizabeth on September 16.