Rahway’s “CommUNITY Art Project” 2019

(above) Wings Mural created by Artist Linda Grant
Photo by Amy GarciaPhillips

Rahways Art Scene is Taking Flight

Wings have been popping up all over downtown Rahway, including a new Yarn Art exhibit on East Cherry Street created by artist, Linda Grant. Grant has created several pieces for Rahway beginning in 2017 with large-scope projects adorning City Hall Plaza and The Train Station Plaza. In 2018, on the fence that now holds the wings, Grant created first, a large Matisse and then later, a portrait of Frida Kahlo. Yarn art projects usually consist of covering a piece of public property in a creative and colorful way using yarn. These are temporary installations, when it looks weathered, it gets removed. These new wings invite folks passing by to interact with them by standing in front and taking a photo. Above this piece is a banner that says, “CommUNITY Art Project” in bright letters. Providing another invitation for people to come together around art.

Linda Grant has been a knitting and crocheting instructor for many years at the Rahway Recreation Center and may be contacted through the Rahway Recreation Center, (732) 669-3600 or by contacting the RABP at info@Rahwayishappening.com .

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