New Providence EMS Welcomes Julian Le Brun and Jeff Wang

(above, l-r) Julian Le Brun and Jeff Wang

New Providence EMS Welcomes New Members

Please welcome New Providence EMS newest members:

Jeff Wang is an EMT, a 16-year New Providence resident and is graduating this spring from the University of Southern California (finishing remotely). In high school, he enjoyed his experience as a NPEMS cadet member and decided to rejoin now that he has relocated back to town. He aspires to become a surgeon and enjoys the medical field and hopes to make a positive contribution to the community. In his free time, Jeff enjoys playing video games, hanging out with his friends, and getting to know the people of New Providence better! Welcome back Jeff!

Julian Le Brun is an EMT and moved to New Providence about a year ago. Julian loves riding and going on calls to help people. He is also a member of Berkeley Height’s rescue squad. Currently, he works in retail and is looking into an EMS career. Julian’s main hobbies involve space travel and astronomy with a life goal of  going to Mars and to possibly get a medical job on another planet. Welcome Julian!

If you have a drive to help others and your community, we always welcome inquiries from potential members to join our team.

We offer positions that have day and night shifts available.

If you are at least 18 years old and not enrolled in high school, you can volunteer to be a Full Member. If you are at least 16 years old and enrolled in high school, you can volunteer for our Cadet Program.


Photos by New Providence EMS

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