Positive Behavior Support In Schools holds Masquerade Dance

Masquerade at the Academy

Kristina Petti, Rahway Public Schools

The PBSIS (Positive Behavior Support In Schools) ran a Masquerade Dance on October 26th, that had about 150 students in attendance. The kids all came dressed to impress and many had a masquerade mask on as well. They all had a blast and couldn’t stop talking about it the next day at school.

Trisha Grimes and the rest of the PTO were a huge help in making this successful. They reached out to local restaurants and requested food donations. A huge thank you to Alfonso’s Catering, Rocky’s Bar & Grill, and Rod’s Fish & Chips for the generous donations. Other food was provided by Tony’s Pizza Cafe and Ortega’s BBQ Churrasqueira.

Academy administrators, teachers, paras, and parents also made donations and helped chaperone the dance as well.

This dance would not have been successful without the support of our entire community, so thank you!

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