Madison Volunteer Ambulance Corps Continues Service During Pandemic

(above) Thursday morning Club member, Julie Trapp, dropping off some kitchen supplies and snacks to MVAC members, Jack Luts and Linda McMahon.

Madison Volunteer Ambulance Corps is at your service

Submitted by Linda McMahon

Along with everyone else on this planet, the members of the Madison Volunteer Ambulance Corps (MVAC) are experiencing a new normal of living with the COVID-19 pandemic. Our routines have definitely changed, but it is important to remember that there are many aspects of our lives that have not changed.  

To safely operate during the pandemic, MVAC has had to alter its procedures. Now, when responding to most 911 calls in the community, our members are wearing full personal protective equipment (PPE) including a head to toe Tyvek suit, eye goggles/shields, N95 face mask, and gloves. In many cases, the patient is also given a mask and gloves to wear. Cleaning the ambulance after each call involves detailed procedures for decontamination, including treatment with a special ultra violet C light and cleaning all exposed surfaces with disinfectant wipes.  

However, what has not changed is the commitment of MVAC to the town of Madison. In partnership with Madison government, Madison Fire and Police Departments and the Morris County Office of Emergency Management, our members are current with the latest guidelines for safe transport of persons infected with COVID-19, as well as safe treatment of other patients requiring emergency services and transport.  

Also, what has not changed is the commitment that the town of Madison has to its First Responders as well as Madison’s commitment to its fellow citizens. Neighbors helping neighbors has always been a characteristic of Madison. MVAC is truly appreciative of the thoughtful donations provided by our residents. We are very grateful for the cleaning supplies, masks, gloves, food, and local gift cards.  

We appreciate the invitation to be part of a special event in the lives of our Madison families. The drive by birthday celebrations are a favorite activity for all MVAC members along with the waves and thank you cheers that are shouted along the way.  

MVAC was founded in 1954.  During the 66 years since MVAC’s inception there have been other extreme emergency situations that member Jack Luts can recall. Jack joined MVAC in 1960, and is still an active and key member of the squad. This year, MVAC is celebrating Jack’s 60th year as a member. All members of MVAC welcome the chance to share a shift with Jack because they know they will benefit from his extensive experience. Over his 60 years of service, Jack has completed at least 15,000 emergency calls. He has delivered babies, splinted countless broken bones and has professionally and capably attended to thousands of patients in need. More significant than his medical skills, is the obvious care and compassion that Jack demonstrates to patients and their families. His passion for emergency medicine is clear. His dedication motivates and inspires all that work with him. Jack is still serving the Madison community during this time, just as he has for the last 60 years. 

Yes, we are in the midst of an unprecedented global pandemic, and our lives are changing in countless ways.  However, it helps to remember that many important things like family, community, and commitment do not change.

MVAC EMT, Corey Minnick, reviewing the new COVID-19 Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG) with fellow members.

(above) The Wednesday Day Crew at MVAC, Michelle Goodwin and Linda McMahon, display an MVAC banner.

(above) MVAC members gather before the 2019 Madison Christmas Parade. The year 2020 begins the celebration for Jack Luts, who has been a volunteer EMT in Madison for 60 years!

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