Madison School Garden Club

Madison School Garden Club meets weekly during the school year. The students are led in student-centered activities that enable them to understand how to care for the plant beds, learn how a seed becomes a fruit or vegetable, grow herbs, plant flowers, and even compost! There are eight teachers and seventy-five students from grades Kindergarten through sixth grade that participate.
For one meeting Mrs. Meaney used to create a project for a suncast shed and soaker hose. The suncast shed was needed to put garden supplies i.e. (gloves, shovels, trowels, hoses, etc…) outside near the garden rather than in a teachers’ classrooms. The soaker hose was requested to use as another water resource for the garden.
The garden was fully funded thankfully to generous donations from former alumni, teachers, parents, current and former parents who had fond memories of Madison School.
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