Local Author holds Book Signing at the Linden Public Library

Local Author holds Book Signing at Library

Former Linden public school student Kyle Phipps had a book signing event at the Linden Public Library on June 26th, 2023. Kyle presented his debut book, “We Got This: Barney The Brave French Bulldog” to local children and community members.

About the book

Are you aware that the 4th of July can be overwhelming for our furry friends? To shed light on this issue, I have written a story about Barney, The Brave French Bulldog, and his journey of confronting his fear of fireworks alongside his pals on Independence Day. The underlying message of this book is to encourage readers to embrace discomfort and take steps towards personal growth, as Barney did by facing his fears. Additionally, I hope to raise awareness about the struggles our pups face during this tough time of year for them, emphasizing the importance of showing them extra love and care.

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