(above) Interact Club Adviser Joe Lombardo (second from left) with members of the Interact Club from North Plainfield High School pose after helping unload 1000 pumpkins at the Holy Cross Church’s Community Pumpkin Patch.
Interact Club Helps Community Pumpkin Patch
A beautiful Fall day greeted members of the Interact Club of North Plainfield High School as they volunteered to unload 1,000 pumpkins at Holy Cross Church in North Plainfield.
Interact Adviser Joe Lombardo brought almost twenty Interact members to the event to support the Church’s Pumpkin Patch fundraiser.
Joined by Rotary Club members Janice, Harry, Timothy, Roberta, Vicky, and Michael and over thirty other volunteers, the Interact members made short work of unloading the pumpkins and setting them up in the Pumpkin Patch.
Using wheelbarrows and carts and wagons, a steady stream of helpers moved from the tractor trailer to the Church grounds at Grove Street and Mercer Avenue, stacking the pumpkins on pallets and then returning for more. Others carried one or two pumpkins from the truck to the pallets, keeping those on the truck constantly busy.
Rotarians Timothy and Michael thanked the Interact Club for their first project of the school year, and promised that Rotary would join them and support them in their own Interact Club projects.
The Rotary Club of the Plainfields normally meets weekly for lunch to share in friendship and to plan projects and activities to support the people in the Plainfields. Meetings are suspended during the pandemic; visit www.rotarypnp.org to find out when and where the meetings will resume. Contact Michael Townley, club secretary, for more information – secretary@rotarypnp.org.

(above) Approximately 600 of the 1000 pumpkins remain to be unloaded from the truck at the Holy Cross Community Pumpkin Patch. With all of the community volunteers, including the Interact and Rotary Club members, the entire delivery was completed in just over an hour.