Keep this information at Hand for Emergencies

The Scotch Plains Rescue Squad has been responding to medical emergencies for over 84 years. If you’re interested in becoming a member of this all-volunteer and invaluable organization, please go to and complete an application. 

In Case of Emergency

Scotch Plains Rescue Squad

When faced with a medical emergency, it’s often difficult to stay calm and think clearly. One important question always asked by first responders is, “What medications are being taken?” Would you be able to answer this quickly and accurately?

If you’re taking only one, then it may be easy to remember. However, if you, or someone else in your household, is taking multiple medications, it’s often hard to remember not only the names, but the dosage amounts as well. It’s important, therefore, to have an up-to-date and accurate list ready to hand over to EMTs or paramedics. This can be useful while in the ambulance itself, and upon arrival at the hospital, this information can also be given to the nurse or doctor treating you, which may help to clarify what’s causing the medical episode. 

For example, if a patient has cut himself and is bleeding profusely, the amount of blood may not be due to the size of the laceration, but rather because the patient is on blood thinners. Or, if a patient is having chest pains and is on high blood pressure and cholesterol medications, chances are more likely that he or she is having an actual heart attack and is not suffering from simple indigestion from an unhealthy meal. Or, if someone is confused and not responding appropriately, it may be because he is diabetic and has forgotten to take his medicine, or possibly hasn’t eaten in a while.

It will only take a short time to write out a handwritten list, or even better, to type one up on a computer. This way it can be easily updated, and will also be easy to read. Since some medications have similar names, it’s important that the names and dosage amounts be clearly legible.

Thank you to Carole Kenyon for this article suggestion! If you have an idea for an upcoming rescue squad article, or if there’s something you would like to see covered, please send an email

The Scotch Plains Rescue Squad has been responding to medical emergencies for over 84 years. If you’re interested in becoming a member of this all-volunteer and invaluable organization, please go to and complete an application.  

Contributing Author:  Susan Baldani, a life member of the Scotch Plains Rescue Squad.

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