Improve Your Reading Ability at the Library

Roselle Park Library

Improve Your Reading Ability at Any Age

Is your child struggling with learning to read? Is he below grade level on standardized tests? Are you worried about the reading section of the SAT or the HSPT? As an adult, do you feel you don’t read as well as others?

Come learn the secrets of great readers! Anthony Giordano; MA in teaching reading, published writer, and tutor to hundreds of reading students; will be at the Roselle Park Memorial Library on July 6, at 6:30 p.m. to tell you how his explanation of reading will help you almost automatically get a higher score on a test or better understanding of a text.

The pandemic has caused the majority of NJ students to fall behind in reading levels on state standardized tests. However far behind your child may be, he can catch up over this summer if he follows the instructions given during this talk.

If you as an adult want to increase your understanding of what you read, you will if you follow the instructions given in this talk.

Reading is a skill. The problems most people have in gaining proficiency are not understanding what reading actually is and not knowing how to correct their poor habits.

This is not a sales talk to get students for tutoring! This is a talk to tell you how you can avoid paying a tutor and get the same results! Anthony Giordano has taken students from the bottom of the class to become the best readers in the class.

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