Gardening Questions?


(above) Proper tick identification can help
your doctor or veterinarian prescribe the proper course of action. Your local cooperative extension can help ID your tick sample.

Even landscape profession als occasionally need assi stance identifying problems. Diseases of trees and shrubs or insects need to be properly diagnosed before they can be cured or controlled.
Luckily for us, Rutgers Cooperative Extension has county offices th roughout New Jersey. Rutg ers Garde n He lpline of Union Count y is located at 3 00 North Ave Ea st, Westfiel d, NJ , (Colleen Fraser Building, 2nd floor) For questions and office hours call the Garden Helpline at 908-654-9852 There are three ways you can reach the garden helpline with your questions.
First you can call them at number above. Secon dly you can e-m ail questi ons and photographs to: Or clients can bring a plan t, lawn o r insect samples to the office. Specimens are the surest way to guarantee a proper identification.
Su mmer hours are Monday to Thursday (9AM-3PM) Friday (9AM-11AM). The Ga rden Helpline volunteers are well trained to identify tick* species including ‘deer ticks’ which transmit Lymes disease to humans and pets.
Thi s i s an extremely valuab le serv ice as the dee r and tick populati on continue to grow in New Jersey.
Along with garden critters the Helpline will identify house infesting insects such as carpenter ants, termites and food infesting pests.
*For more information on ‘Ticks In New Jersey’, Poison Ivy and other summer related topics visit my blog at: Happy Gardening,

(above) President of The Rahway Garden Club, James Keane has been researching and answering garden questions since 1995. Visit ‘Keane Gardener’ blog at: