ALJ Alumni Matthew Gallo Shares Experience with Students

(above) Matthew Gallo, 2017 class president and graduate of Arthur L. Johnson High School, visited his ALJ to share his experiences with students.

Matthew Gallo Shares Experience with ALJ Students

Clark Public Schools

Matthew Gallo, 2017 class president and graduate of Arthur L. Johnson High School, visited his alma mater to share his experiences as a nursing major. Gallo, who just recently graduated from Mount Saint Mary College with a BSN in nursing, visited Mrs. Bernadette Jacobi’s PreMedical studies and Anatomy students. Gallo shared his experiences with his coursework, his clinicals and rotations as well as the rigor, sacrifices, and dedication it took to successfully complete his program. In addition, as a former student of the PreMed program at ALJ, Gallo pointed out that he had first-hand experience in realizing the opportunity he had to build a solid foundation in basic medical studies prior to attending nursing school, which put him at a great advantage over others in his class. 

Gallo also shared that in the thick of Covid, when his college closed down, and he had to come home for a while, he voluntarily went to Overlook Hospital to ask where he could be of service and how he could help those in need. 

Through sharing his experience, PreMed and Anatomy students were able to gain an invaluable, practical understanding of what is required in the field helping them to see how what they learn in the classroom extends to future careers. 

Mrs. Jacobi stated, “I am beyond proud and so moved by Matt’s desire to help those in need. Matt exemplifies the image of what a medical professional should aspire to be like. In this world of uncertainty, Matt’s warm heart, his solid understanding of his expectations, and his compassion for everyday people will define what a brilliant addition he will be to our medical community.” 

Photo by Clark Public Schools

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