New Providence, Berkeley Heights, and other area residents can obtain free assistance in preparing and filing their individual 2017 tax returns. There are no age or income limitations for participation in the program, but taxpayers with complex returns may be advised to seek paid assistance. Free assistance will be provided at the New Providence Senior Citizens Center (NPSCC), 15 East Fourth Street, New Providence, by volunteer tax counselors under a program sponsored jointly by the AARP, the Internal Revenue Service, and the New Jersey State Division of Taxation.
Assistance will cover individual federal and NJ state income taxes, the NJ Homestead Property Tax Rebate, and the Property Tax Reimbursement Program (PTR – 1 & 2), as applicable. All returns will be filed electronically, resulting in refunds being received typically in about four weeks after filing. Any taxes due would not be payable until April 18, 2017. Taxpayers will be provided with vouchers to be submitted by that date with any payments due.
Tax counselors will be available on Mondays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., from Monday, February 5, 2018, through Monday, April 16, 2018. Taxpayers seeking assistance in preparing and filing their returns may call the NPSCC at 908-665-0046, between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays, for an appointment, or they may sign up at the center. The Internal Revenue Service is again advising taxpayers to file their returns as early as possible to reduce the potential for identity theft.
Taxpayers must bring government-issued photo identification, social security cards of persons filing the return and of any dependents listed on the return, copies of their 2016 federal and state returns, and any 2017 federal forms W-2, 1099-R, 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, 1099-B, SSA-1099, etc., documentation of the amount of rent or real estate taxes paid in 2017 and of other expenses if the taxpayers wish to itemize deductions; and, if they wish to have any refund directly deposited to their checking account, a check showing their bank’s routing number and their account number. In the case of taxpayers filing joint returns, both taxpayers should be present to authorize the electronic filing.
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