Faith Lutheran Church Provides Christmas Gifts to Local Charities

(above) Some of the gifts at the altar of Faith Lutheran Church this Christmas season.

Faith Lutheran Provides Christmas Gifts to Charities

Submitted by Larry Holt

Adhering to its annual tradition, Faith Lutheran Church in New Providence, NJ contributed Christmas gifts to people served by local social service agencies in the community and St. Stephan’s Grace Community Church in Newark, NJ.

The following organizations received the gifts:

The ARC of Union County, which provides resources to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities as well as their families to ensure that the people realize full and productive lives. The Possum Way Group Home in New Providence, NJ is part of ARC.

Cheshire Home, which provides residential specialized care facilities for disabled adults.

New Providence Community Service Association, which offers assistance to New Providence residents in their time of need.

St. Stephan’s Grace Community Church, which is a diverse and multicultural church in the Ironbound Section of Newark, NJ. For a number of years, members of Faith have tutored children at St Stephan’s.

As they’ve done in prior years, Joanne and Ed Berryman, members of Faith and residents of Madison, NJ, managed this ministry. The gift for everyone was either a plush throw blanket or a cozy hooded sweatshirt. Each of the four organizations completed a form for each of its recipients, with the person’s name and the gift he or she preferred. If a sweatshirt was chosen, the size and either man, woman, or child was marked on the form.

For the purchase of the gifts, Faith collected monetary donations and Mr. and Mrs. Berryman bought the gifts. They wrapped them in festive gift bags, which they individually labeled with each recipient’s name. The Berrymans also attached candy canes and holiday cards from Faith Lutheran.

Since some money remained after the purchase of the gifts, Faith contributed the money to Roots and Wings, an organization which provides housing and support for people who have aged out of the foster care system.

In addition, the pastor of Faith Lutheran is Rev. Jane McCready. You may visit Faith at or at 524 South Street, New Providence, NJ. The phone number is 908-464-5177.