Coles Elementary Students Learn Code Virtually

Coles Elementary School coding
(above) 4th grader Caroline Valcich enjoys coding her own video game.

4th Graders Learn Code at Coles

Submitted by Elizabeth Valcich

Barclays Capital volunteers recently hosted a virtual Code Playground event for the 4th grade students at J. Ackerman Coles Elementary School in Scotch Plains, NJ. The students learned the basics of programming through coding a video game in Scratch. The 4th graders were so excited to create their own video game from start to finish.

The Barclays program is hosted by a Coles parent and Barclays employee, Marci Needle, whose daughter is currently in 4th grade. Dr. Karen Wetherell, principal at Coles, feels fortunate to have hosted Barclays Coding Playground for the past 5 years. 

“Coles 4th grade is so grateful to Mrs. Needle and the volunteers from Barclays,” said Wetherell. “Teaching coding to students is not easy and teaching virtually added another level to the challenge. The Barclays group made it look easy! Giving our students this experience enhanced their skills in sequencing, counting, problem solving, logical thinking, cause and effect, and critical thinking. Plus, it’s really cool to create a video game!”

Wetherell commented that it is always a great experience, enjoyed by everyone and she, the teachers, and the students appreciate the time and patience of the Barclays team in working with Coles School.

“I really liked coding my own video game,” commented 4th grader Finn Doyle. “I can’t wait to keep coding.” 

“My favorite part was learning how to make the characters move,” added 4th grader Caroline Valcich.

Photo by FSP Public Schools

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