(above) The 2019 Fall MVPs.
ALJ Fall Athletic Awards
Submitted by Gus Kalikas
On Tuesday, December 3, 2019, the Arthur L. Johnson Athletic Department held their 2019 Fall Athletic Awards. The evening, sponsored by the Crusader Athletic Booster Club, was held in the Arthur L. Johnson Auditorium.
All the Fall Athletic Teams and their seasons were highlighted by their coaches while handing out letters and awards to the student athletes. Over 205 varsity athletic letters were handed out throughout the evening, as participation in athletics at Arthur L. Johnson High School continues to grow.
The program continued with the Student Athlete Award, which was presented by the Principal of Arthur L. Johnson High School, Mrs. Jennifer Feeley. The Student Athlete Award is given out each athletic season to a student athlete that is not only a champion on the field, but in the classroom as well. The 2019 Fall Student Athlete award recipient was Heidi Compton, with a 4.9119 G.P.A.
In addition, the Crusader G.P.A. Challenge was awarded to the team that finishes with the highest overall G.P.A. amongst athletic teams for the fall season. The recipients were presented with certificates, will have their team memorialized on a plaque, and will be invited for a “Breakfast with the A.D.” to celebrate their actions both in the classrooms and on the fields. The winner of the 2019 Fall Seasonal G.P.A. Challenge was the Field Hockey Team with a G.P.A. of 4.039. Members of the Field Hockey Team include: Heidi Compton, Emma Hilton, Nicole Randazza, Tara Starita, Taylor Turek, Devyn Calas, Gianna Caldiero, Gia Colicchio, Michelle Kukan, Courtney Marano, Victoria Venezio, Peyton Collings, Tatum Dobbins, Angela Aromando and Grace Warnick.
The Best Teammate Award will be given out seasonally to one member from each athletic team that best fits the characteristics of a good teammate. The individuals that receive these awards exhibit upbeat attitudes and outstanding character. They helped influence the team’s culture in a positive manner, while always supporting teammates and promoting team unity. The Best Teammate Award Winners were: Cross Country – Nicholas Deloretto, Field Hockey – Nicole Randazza, Football – Joseph Kaulfers, Boys’ Soccer – Augustine Puentes, Girls’ Soccer – Dominka Kosiek, Girls’ Tennis – Mary Nadolsky, Volleyball – Isabella Venezio, and Cheerleading – Amanda Grasso.
The evening culminated with the announcement of the Team Most Valuable Players. The MVPs were: Cross Country – Matthew Kowalenko, Field Hockey – Emma Hilton, Football – Patrick Brennan, Boys’ Soccer – Anthony diaz, Girls’ Soccer – Lily Gull, Girls’ Tennis – America Renteria, Volleyball – Shailynn Rapp, and Cheerleading – Caileigh O’Donnell.
Athletic Director Gus Kalikas, had this to say about the event, “Once again, our Fall Athletic Awards Program was a successful evening as it allows the District, Administration, and Coaches the opportunity to acknowledge a wonderful Fall Sports Season as well as recognize both student athletes and their parents alike for all that they have accomplished this past fall athletic season.”
Photos by Clark Public Schools

(above) 2019 Fall G.P.A. Winners, the ALJ Field Hockey Program.

(above) The 2019 Fall Best Teammate Award recipients.

(above) Heidi Compton, 2019 Fall Student Athlete Award Winner.