Westfield Resident and EMT Art Cooke Receives EMS Excellence Award

(above) Art Cooke, Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad member, with his 2022 ‘Overlook Medical Center Excellence in EMS Award’.

Art Cooke Receives EMS Excellence Award

Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad 

Art Cooke, Westfield resident and 41-year EMT member of the Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad, received the 2022 ‘Overlook Medical Center Excellence in EMS Award’ at an award presentation that took place at the hospital in Summit on Thursday, May 18, 2022. 

The award, which is presented annually during EMS Week, honors those who show outstanding performance and dedication to emergency medical services. Mr. Cooke, past president of the squad, was selected to receive the honor by fellow squad members for his extreme dedication to the squad and decades of volunteer service to the community of Westfield. One of the most active members of the squad, he has responded to more emergency medical calls than any other squad member.

Courtesy photo

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