ALJ Anatomy Physiology Students Participate in Re-Articulation Challenge

(above) ALJ Anatomy & Physiology students Tatum Dobbins, Matthew Bellucci, Jess Derevjanik, Brandon Costa, and Aidan Ford with their assignment.

ALJ Anatomy & Physiology Students

Submitted by Christine Casale Broski

Mrs. Bernadette Jacobi’s Anatomy & Physiology classes at Arthur L. Johnson High School recently participated in a re-articulation challenge activity, where the students had to construct a full skeleton from a pile of bones in the middle of the table. Each team had a full size articulated skeleton to use as a guide. The students used what they have learned about the anatomy of the human skeleton to build their skeleton. The teams delegated specific parts of the skeletons to each team member, so every student had an important job to do. 

The winners of the contest were evaluated based upon the accuracy of the positioning of the bones as well as how much time it took each team to construct their skeleton. Each winning team member was awarded extra credit points on their next assessment. 

According to Jacobi, “This activity was a fun and refreshing way to exhibit the skills and the knowledge the students have gained regarding the human skeleton, while fostering a healthy competitive atmosphere in the classroom.” 

Photo by Clark Public Schools

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