There are robots galore at the Watchung Library! Inspired by the Build a Better World 2017 summer reading theme, Friends of the Watchung Library Board member Amy Fiorilla built a shiny silver model robot. She invited kids to choose a name for the robot and suggest what she might do. Some of the suggestions are practical, like these: “Angelica” bakes cakes, “Izzy” does homework, “Ruby Robot” reads to children, and “Malissa” helps people who are disabled. Other suggestions have community service in mind: “Elizabeth” donates to charity and cleans parks, while “Miss Shiny Skirt” translates books and gives books to people who don’t have any.
Children and families are invited to make robots, too. Kids are asked “What kind of robot can you invent to make the world a better place?” The robots the kids have created so far are on display near the children’s section of the library.
(above) Shiny silver robot Watchung Library patrons were invited to name!
(above) Wonderful green robot created by a young Watchung Library patron.