At a recent general meeting of The Woman’s Club of Westfield, six Westfield High School Seniors were awarded a $2,500 grant. The scholarships are made up of four general Woman’s Club of Westfield Scholarships and two Ruth L. Quandenfield Scholarships. Ruth was a former member of the WCW and the scholarships are offered in her name. The ladies of the club wish these winning students good luck and much success in their college days and beyond. Please do make us proud you!
The winners are:
Ava Carey, daughter of Tasneem Carey is a member of The National Honor Society, received Cum Laude recognition for placing high in the National Latin Exam and has been an employee of Baron’s Pharmacy. Ava has chosen to attend the University of Wisconsin, Madison and plans to apply for acceptance into the college’s Business School. Ava plans to major in Marketing and work toward a minor in the field of Public Health.
Emmy Liederman, daughter of Tracy Spenser Wright and Bill Liederman, worked as Editor in Chief of the Westfield High School Newspaper, Hi’s Eye which is the only weekly, uncensored school paper in New Jersey. Emmy volunteered at and organized activities at Brighton Gardens Assisted Living. She served as President of the Community Service Club, tutored local elementary school students and helped feed the homeless. She plans to attend The College of New jersey majoring in Journalism.
Isabella Montes, daughter of Mary Montes who has been a wonderful role model, has reached out to others while a student at WHS, as a Transition Leader, has inspired other students as a Wildlife Leader, co-captained the JV Volleyball team and supported the work of Project 79. She looks forward to helping students as a teacher or a school counselor and will be working toward this goal at Monmouth University, majoring in Education.
Emma Pettit is the daughter of Louise and Larry Pettit and has worked as an assistant coach with the Special Olympics Softball Team. She has also been a lifeguard at The Westfield Memorial Pool in Westfield for three summers. Emma has her eyes on working for the Peace Corps or an International nonprofit organization after college. She has plans to attend New York University and major in Global Studies.
Michelle Telsey, daughter of Leslie Schwartz and Albert Kelsey is a member of The National Honor Society and ran Cross Country Track for three years. She gained recognition by being chosen as a French Honor Society member and took part in the Girl and Guy Thing. Michelle plans to attend The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, with plans to study in The College of Literature, Science and the Arts while looking at a major in Psychology or Health Sciences.
Alessandra is the daughter of Maria and Charles Sabba who have inspired her to pursue her dreams by learning new languages and exploring new fields of interest throughout her high school career. Alessandra served as President of the Italian and French Clubs, was a transition leader and Girl and Guy Thing facilitator. She has been awarded the Seal of Bilitaracy in Italian and French which will appear on her diploma, Alessandra will attend Arcadia University where she will major in Italian and study International Relations and Diplomacy.

(above l-r) WCW Scholarship Winners Ava Carey, Emmy Liederman, Alesandra Sabba, Isabella Montes, Emma Pettit and Michelle Telsey.