Westfield Rotary Supports Nigerian Medical Clinic
Submitted by Dr. D. Michael Hart
Father Kingsley spoke to the Rotary Club of Westfield on Tuesday, July 20 to update them of the progress being made on the Medical Clinic in Nigeria. The Rotary Club of Westfield is supporting his project in Nigeria with a Rotary International Global Grant. The Rotary Club Board of Directors voted to contribute $7,000. Several other Rotary Clubs joined Westfield which were: Irvington, NJ, Hartford, CT, and the Rotary Club of Owerri, Nigeria. The Rotary District matched those funds raised by the clubs, and The Rotary International Foundation matched the whole package, so the Global Grant amounted to $32,000. We are using these funds to purchase medical supplies for the Clinic. Past President Clark Lagemann has done the lion’s share of the work. Rotarian Dr. D. Michael Hart is the Rotary District 7475 Foundation Chair and has been guiding the Global Grant process. Immediate past president Liz Ensslin has been very supportive of the project, and has motivated the club members.
Father Kingsley sends a container of supplies to the village of Obike, Nigeria several times a year. The container is shipped from Meriden, CT. It needs to be packed two weeks before leaving, is shipped to Lagos, Nigeria, then needs to be transported inland to the village. It takes more than a month to arrive.
Past President Clark Lagemann showed the club members a video of Father Kingsley touring the two-story medical facility with a birthing center, an emergency room, operating rooms and outpatient services. It includes a generator to supply power and a bore hole well with a water tower to supply water. The building is almost finished and is ready to receive furniture and equipment. The video will be posted on the Rotary Club of Westfield website, westfieldrotary.com.
Father Kingsley showed the club members the foundation of the primary school next to the medical facility. The nearest school is an hour walk away. They plan to build three schools- nursery, primary and secondary schools to serve about 400 children in the local village.
The advantage of a Rotary Global Grant is that the funds raised by the club are matched by the district, then matched again by the Rotary District, so it multiplies your funds and increases the effectiveness of the grant.
The Rotary Club of Westfield meets three times a month, twice by Zoom, and once in person. Rotary is a service club and business networking club, for successful business people who want to give back to the community. Guests are welcome at the meetings. For information, contract Secretary Dr. D. Michael Hart mail: drmhart@yahoo.com
The following is taken from the DMIWOO website:
Divine Mercy International Widows & Orphans Organization is a nonprofit organization of children of God who, through advocacy and fundraising, bring relief, education and self-sufficiency to the poor and oppressed widows and orphans of Obike, Nigeria.