Friends of the Westfield Memorial Library Book sale raises over $17,000

Book sale raises over $17,000 

The 48th Friends of the Westfield Memorial Library Book Sale was held on April 26th through April 30th. Over 1,000 people attended the sale and over 70 volunteers gave their time and energy to make the sale a success. In addition to members of the Friends of the Westfield Memorial Library, volunteers included local and non-local residents and students, and librarians who like their work so much, they volunteered to help us. We could not have had the sale without the ongoing support of the Department of Public Works, the Board of Education and the Westfield Police and Fire Departments. In addition, we thank the entire staff of the Westfield Memorial Library for their support and patience while we occupied their space for over two weeks. 

Due to the generous donations of high-quality books and CD/DVSs the sale was a success. Through the support of everyone, we raised over $17,000. This will allow the Friends of the Westfield Memorial Library to continue to sponsor programs like Museum Passes, Saturday Children’s Programming, Books on Wheels, librarian scholarship awards, the Hale Speaker Series, and help the Library expand into new programming such as the Native Seed Library. 

Thank you.

Marcy Lechner

Friends of the Westfield Memorial Library

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