Westfield Girl Scouts Take Action Project
Home for Good Dog Rescue
In partnership with Home for Good Dog Rescue, Westfield Girl Scout Troop 40445 is raising the awareness of dogs suffering with heartworm disease, a lethal illness that slowly suffocates multiple organs, leading to a painful death. As a precursor to earning a Bronze Award, the troop is working on their Take Action project, the purpose of which is to address an issue by tackling the factors that cause or contribute to it.
The troop first focused on promoting awareness, prevention, and treatment of the deadly heartworm disease by creating a gallery of artwork in support of HFG’s Lexi’s Beating Heart Medical Fund—a program established in memory of a beloved HFG pup—to ensure all heartworm-positive dogs rescued will be provided the life-saving treatment they deserve. These community-minded fifth graders helped educate dog owners that, although the cost of treating can be thousands of dollars, the price of preventing heartworm disease monthly is relatively inexpensive. “I think this project is amazing because we are helping animals get medicine they need,” said one Troop member.
The Troop will also be hosting a donation drive to collect supplies for the Home for Good Dog Rescue’s Almost Home Wellness Center in Aiken, South Carolina. This is where rescued dogs receive critical medical treatment and care until they are transported up to New Jersey to be adopted into their loving, forever families.
Supporting animals in need is nothing new to this group. In the third grade, the Troop created homemade dog toys and baked dog treats that were donated to a local animal shelter.
Your donation can help Home for Good Dog Rescue treat more heartworm-positive dogs than ever before. Please join the Girls Scouts in supporting Lexi’s Beating Heart Medical Fund all year round by joining HFG’s Monthly Giving Club. For more information, visit: homeforgooddogs.org/monthlygivingclub.