The Westfield Foundation Donates $8,600 to Caring Contact

Westfield Foundation Donates to Caring Contact

The Board of Trustees of the Westfield Foundation presented a $8,600 grant to Caring Contact on September 28. Since 1975, the mission of the Westfield Foundation is to provide funding support in the arts, health, aging, historic preservation, social services, and civic projects in Westfield and surrounding communities. 

“On July 16 the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline changed its 10-digit phone number to ‘988’, making it easier for those in emotional distress to get the help they need. With this change will come an increase in calls to Caring Contact”, said Mary Claire Givelber, Executive Director of Caring Contact. “The Westfield Foundation’s generosity will ensure that Caring Contact has more trained listeners available to answer these calls in Westfield and neighboring towns.” 

“Caring Contact’s goal for 2022 is to answer over 6,000 calls from the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. We provide this support through our amazing staff of highly trained Volunteer Crisis Line workers,” stated Ms. Givelber. “We currently have over 90 volunteers and began our 101th training session in September. The Westfield Foundation’s support allows us to continue training more volunteers which enables us to help more individuals in distress.”

Caring Contact is an award-winning, volunteer-staffed caring and crisis hotline providing active listening support and best-in-class education to the Central and Northern New Jersey community. They attentively and compassionately serve those in emotional distress and educate communities about the power of personal connection. Caring Contact is accredited by the International Center for Helplines, a member agency of the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, and the American Association of Suicidology. To learn more about volunteer opportunities at Caring Contact, visit

If you, or someone you know, is in crisis and need someone to listen, call 988. You are not alone.

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