Westfield Area YMCA Hosts Clothing Drive
Maybe you just finished cleaning out some closets, or maybe it’s a good excuse to start! Either way, on Wednesday, October 13 from 7:30am-2:30pm, we invite you to drop off clothes, shoes, belts, handbags, comforters, sheets, curtains, towels, bedding, stuffed animals, small plastic toys, bikes, scooters and strollers on the tarp in the parking lot of the Bauer Branch, 422 East Broad Street in Westfield. (Note: shoes must be bagged separately). The rain date is Friday, October 14.
Please note: we cannot accept pots and pans, books, board games, sports equipment, electronics, glass, furniture, VCR tapes, outdoor play sets or appliances.
The A & E Clothing Corp collects American second hand clothing and other items and resells them in the US and to other developing countries.
Proceeds benefit the Y’s financial assistance program which ensures that no one who is experiencing a bona fide financial hardship and lives or works in Westfield, Cranford, Garwood or Mountainside is turned away for inability to pay for Y programs or memberships. The majority of awards enable participation in the Y’s early learning and school age child care programs.
Questions? Please email Eileen Rooney, erooney@westfieldynj.org or call 908-301-9622 x134.