Watchung Borough Schools Science Fair


Pictured: Student Stefan Fahmy with his project

More than 90 budding scientists in the Watchung Borough School District had an opportunity to show off their talents at the Science Fair last month. Students in grades 2-5 shared their experiments, demonstrations, and hands-on activities with parents, teachers, and friends.

The fair was a culmination of several weeks of conducting research and measuring results. Students kept Science Journals to track their work, and prepared display boards and verbal presentations to share with visitors.

The young scientists taught visitors a variety of science concepts, including how to make crystals, how clouds form, and what robots can do for us. Visitors also got to experience a static electricity machine and see just how much sugar is in those drinks we like.

This was Watchung’s sixth annual science fair, organized by district teacher Elaine Chesebro and parent Gail Seelig.

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Pictured: Helen Zheng (Left), Reese Fishelman (Right), and Ben Carvalho (Below)
