Warrenbrook Senior Center June 2023
Warrenbrook Senior Center located at 500 Warrenville Road is one of the six county operated Senior Center. Somerset County residents who are 60 years and older are welcome to participate in any of the programs at Warrenbrook Senior Center. They also provide a choice of 4 different meal choices during lunch that seniors can take advantage of during the weekdays. All the programs are FREE for the registered members. Please (908) 753-9440 for more information on how to become member of the Warrenbrook Senior Community.
Below is the highlight of some of the programs available at Warrenbrook Senior Center in June.
June 1, 15 – 11 a.m. – Basic Computer and iPad Instruction with Parul. In this basic computer learning class, the topics that will be covered will vary every week and will depend on the needs of the clients. Some of the topics will be checking the email, opening/attaching the attachments, clearing the cache, creating word documents. Please call (908) 753-9440 for more information.
June 2, 16 – 11 a.m. – Brains n Games and Hand Bells with Adrienne Graubard. Did you know that solving puzzles or challenging yourself with new mind-stretching activities like learning music can stimulate the brain and enhance your creative and critical thinking processes? Join Adrienne for some mind-tingling, brain-stumping word games and a fun-filled musical workout using hand bells.
June 5 – 10:30 a.m. – Healthy Aging with Brenda Miller, Community in Crisis Senior Education Director. This is a seven-week wellness program for adults 60 years of age or older. The program’s interactive lessons provide valuable education to older adults on topics including health and wellness, medication use, stress management, depression and substance use and misuse. The seventh session will discuss alternative ways to manage pain such as yoga, chiropractic care. massage and more. Attendance at all (or most) sessions is requested.
June 5, 7, 12 – 12:45 p.m. – Do You Want to Bingocize – Join Warrenbrook Senior Center Participant and Trained Instructor, Rashmi Desai, every Monday, and Wednesday to play Bingocize, a game of Bingo fun with an educational twist. Bingocize combines exercise and health information with the familiar game of bingo, which has shown to be a great, fun way to get older adults moving and socializing. It’s meant to be played twice a week on nonconsecutive days, and each session usually lasts 45-60 minutes. So come mingle and move with your friends. You may even win a prize or two! Registration is closed. Please call (908) 369-8700 for more information.
June 7, 14 – 11 a.m. – Laughter Wellness –For centuries we have known that “laughter is the best medicine”. Laughter wellness is based on the awareness of breathing, following various patterns, using fake laughter. It’s not about telling jokes, but it is fun, & laughter comes easily & naturally Roz Gerken, the certified Laughter wellness instructor will help us learn some of the techniques to reduce stress, encourage a more positive outlook, and help feel more refreshed and energized.
June 9 – 11 a.m. – Craft – Paper Quilling –Jennifer Neely will be teaching this fun and relaxing paper craft technique that dates back over 400 years. You will learn ways to quill without having to spend money, techniques for design, and you will create a colorful decoration to take home. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED
June 12 – 11 a.m. Summer Kickoff with Food Tasting – Ah! Almost the summer. How about some grilled food on the patio. The Bristal at Somerset will be making some delicious grilled entries on our patio for us to sample while enjoying the summer sun with our friends at Warrenbrook senior center.
June 21 – 11 a.m. – 1st Day of Summer – Musical Entertainment – Tom Zappulla will entertain us with some fun music by Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, love songs from 50s & 60s to start our summer.
June 23 – 11 a.m.- Craft – Magazine Coasters – Upcycling never looked so pretty!Jennifer Neely will teach us some ways to reuse all those magazines you are finished reading and we will use vibrant magazine pages to create vivid coasters to take home.PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED
June 28 – History Presentation – by Joseph Wroblewski – Richard Stockton: Enigmatic Signer of the Declaration of Independence –Details the life of Richard Stockton from Princeton, NJ who was one of the five Signers of the Declaration and the only Signer who was arrested by the British, and the only Signer to take a Pardon from the British.
June 30 – 11 a.m. – Sing along with Sal – Join Sal Di-Bianca while he performs variety of popular songs along with some Independence Day songs.