Warrenbook Senior Center’s special events

December 3 – Randy Accardi, The Dance Man, 10:30 am – Interactive song and dance program that combines music, trivia and dance. This program will feature holiday music and music from the 40s, 50s, and 60s.

December 10 – Marvelous Musical Machines, Dakota Hettel, Morris Museum 10:30 am – This program is about New Jersey’s Morris Museum’s Guinness Collection. The museum hosts one of the world’s largest collections of Automata and people are known to travel from around the world to visit it. Dakota will discuss the history of Automata and the history of the collection and how the museum came to acquire it. This program is made possible, in part, by the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of the Department of State through the State/County History Partnership Program Grant, and administered in Somerset County by the Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Commission.

 December 18 – Healthy Holiday Cooking! Michelle Sweeney, Retail Dietitian, ShopRite of Stirling, 10:30  am. Attendees will learn how to cook healthier for the holidays!  Michelle will be discussing healthier swaps for appetizers, main dishes and even baking!  She will demo a healthy holiday dish that will be perfect for your upcoming holiday parties and will “wow” your guests into the new year.

The Warrenbrook Senior Center staff, group leaders and volunteers,
wish you and your family a safe, healthy, and joyous holiday season.