Warren Girls Scouts Troop 65512 Update

(above, l-r) Sarah Bruno, Ava Kolb, Natalie Curtis, Deepa Irakam, Teresa Rotolo, Roopa Irakam, Jessica Young, Francesca Holl, Marianna Renda, Leah Postol, Emma Garcell, Natalie Fontana. FBI Officers: Eddie Irwin, Ive Perez and Suzanne Golda.

Girls Scouts Troop 65512 Update

Girl Scouts of Troop 65512 have been busy this year. The girls finally bridged to Ambassadors this Spring. The girls held the bridging ceremony at the Codington Hall of the Mt Horeb United Methodist Church thanks to the sponsorship of Rev. Bill Pelley.

As senior Girl Scouts, they plan and run their own meetings and events. They started the year with a campfire where they met cadette Girl Scouts to tell them all about what to expect as Senior Girl Scouts.

Among the activities they’ve done this year include:  Earning the car care badge by learning how to check and top off the oil and windshield wiper fluid, check the wiper blades and the tire pressure and change a tire, among other things. They baked and decorated over 200 cookies for the homeless. Spent an entire afternoon cleaning up a river. Spent over three hours with three FBI parole officers learning self-defense techniques. And they have been helping each other and other GS in town work on their Gold Awards. More than half the troop decided they wanted to work on their Gold Awards and many of them have started their projects already.

Most recently, scouts Marianna and Francesca attended the Warren/Watchung Green Fair where they spoke to the community about their Gold Award projects. Marianna explained the importance of butterflies in our town and how she is going to encourage the butterfly population in the area by planting a butterfly garden at the Codington Farmstead. Francesca challenged visitors to a Zero Waste week. She explained how what we do is negatively affecting the rivers and oceans.  The water that goes to the storm water drains in our community is not processed and goes straight to the ocean, so any plastics that end up on the streets, end up polluting our waters. Several dozen people signed up to the challenge of not using plastic bags, plastic utensils, straws, plastic (no-usable) food containers or plastic Ziploc bags for a week to start.  She is hoping they all join the Zero Waste movement to keep the oceans and earth clean.

Submitted by Sonia Estevez

(above, l-r) Standing: Jessica Young, Francesca Holl, Leah Postol, Celine Chu, Deepa Irakam, Roopa Irakam. Middle row: Stella Psarianos, Sophia Smith, Nina Iyer, Marianna Renda, Teresa Rotolo. Front: Grace Morris, Skylar Reale.

(above, l-r) Standing: Larry Armstrong, Natalie Curtis, Sarah Bruno, Ava Kolb, Roopa Irakam, Deepa Irakam, Artie Conk, Emma Garcell. Knealing: Francesca Holl, Marianna Renda.

Warren/Watchung Green Fair


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