Warren Cub Scouts Participate in Klondike Trek

(above, l-r) Klondike Trek Group, Pack 182’s Team “Warren Tanks” of Webelo Scouts: Mateusz Teepe, Marcello Gioia, Bernie Ryder, Gideon Minieri, Joseph Guerra, Kayden Thursfield-Ritchie and Michael Santoro. Anthony Patricco, Wolf Scout, was there to cheer the team on.

Warren Cub Scouts Participate in Klondike Trek at Watchung Reservation

A team of seven Webelo (5th grade) Cub Scouts from Warren’s Pack 182 braved sub-freezing temperatures and demonstrated their mettle in the Watchung Mountain District’s annual Klondike Trek event held on Saturday, January 26, 2019, at Watchung Reservation.

Our Scouts’ team “Warren Tanks” competed against teams from 17 other Packs in the district in 8 categories: Preparedness, Distress, Cooking, Fire Building, First Aid, Knot Tying, Orienteering, and O

utdoorsman. Points were earned in each category.

The team, led by Cubmaster Adam Gioia and Assistant Cubmaster Afsaneh Thursfield finished in 2nd place out of the 17 teams entered, earning 193 out of a total possible 195 points. They were only 1 point and 1 minute behind the 1st place team! Pack 182 is proud to recognize Webelos Gideon Minieri, Joseph Guerra, Marcello Gioia, Bernie Ryder, Kayden Thursfield-Ritchie, Mateusz Teepe and Michael Santoro for their proven skills and hard work!

Cub Scout Pack 182 in Warren Township serves the local community and surrounding towns. To join Cub Scouts or find out more about Pack 182 visit our Facebook page: facebook.com/Pack182WarrenNJ, our website: warrenpack182.org, or by contacting us at membership@warrenpack182.org.

Submitted by Tricia Patricco

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