Warren Cub Scout Pack 182 Holds Annual Pinewood Derby

(above) First Grade Tiger Scouts evaluating their choices for Design awards. Tyler Hayward, Rihaan Takkar, Luke Roberts, Aarav Desai & Odin Abines.

Warren Cub Scout Pack 182 2020 Pinewood Derby

Submitted by Tricia Patricco

Scouts and Families were excited to compete in Warren Cub Scout Pack 182’s annual Pinewood Derby, held at Warren Middle School on Saturday, January 11th, 2020.

In the weeks leading up to the race, Cub Scouts of all ranks dreamed up, designed, and built their cars. Scouts learn to work with basic tools like coping saws, files and sandpaper to shape their car’s design from a standard sized block of pine wood. They then add a finish, decorations and optimize the car’s axles and wheels, then add weights to bring the car closest to the 5 ounce maximum racing weight.

The creativity and ideas the scouts come up with are impressive every year. Beyond racing for speed alone, our scouts also voted for best designs in seven categories; Most Realistic Car, Best Scout Spirit, Most Patriotic, Silliest/Craziest Car, Most Futuristic, Best Overall Design and Best Food Design. Some Siblings even joined in the fun with races in their own category.

(above) Scout’s Choice Design Winners with their parents. Tyler Shehady, Sanjay Joshi, Robert Joki, Arvind Raj, Nick Clar, Jett Vesuvio, Tyler Hayward.

Our Scout’s Choice Design winners are:

Most Realistic Car:  Arvind Raj
Best Scout Spirit:  Nick Clar
Most Patriotic: Robert Joki
Silliest/Craziest Car:  Sanjay Joshi
Most Futuristic:  Jett Vesuvio
Best Overall Design: Tyler Shehady
Best Food Design: Tyler Hayward

The top three speed winners from each Cub Scout Rank are eligible to attend the District Pinewood Derby and compete against scouts from other communities.

(above) Scout’s Choice Design Winners with their parents. Tyler Shehady, Sanjay Joshi, Robert Joki, Arvind Raj, Nick Clar, Jett Vesuvio, Tyler Hayward.

The Speed winners are:

Kindergarten – Lion: Beau Carr, Ayden Mistry, Avi Bathla
First Grade – Tiger: Thomas Chu, Chase Sullivan, Lucas Araujo
Second Grade – Wolf: Alex Chibwe, Cash Bolcar, Lucas Toor
Third Grade – Bear: Krish Dave, Consti Bellmann, Ben Carr
Fourth Grade –  Webelos: Drew Connolly, Ethan Hammond, Charlie Rexford
Fifth Grade –  AOL (Arrow of Light): Marcello Goia, Gideon Minieri, Kayden Thursfield-Ritchie

Our Top Eight Finishers in order of speed are – Marcello Gioia, Krish Dave, Constantin Bellmann, Gideon Minieri, Ben Carr, Kieran Munkegar, Thomas Chu and Brandon Bellish.

Congratulations to all the winners!  It was a competitive and impressive showing from our Scouts.

Photos by Warren Cub Scout Pack 182

(above) Kindergarten Lion Scout Beau Carr receives a medal from scout leader, Tim Connolly for fastest car in his Den.

(above) Third Grade Bear Scouts enjoy the races. Seamus Spodato, Kieran Munkegar, James Esposito & Krish Dave.

(above) Fifth Grade Arrow of Light Scouts Gideon Minieri & Kayden Thursfield-Ritchie enjoy their last Pinewood Derby before they graduate to Boy Scouts.

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