Warren Central School Students practice Yoga

(above) Antigone Kalcanides and Mia Khalil work together during Yoga class.

Building Their Mindful Toolbox with Yoga

Grade 3 students at Central School in Warren, NJ are participating in Yoga class during the school day to promote good social and emotional health. According to 3rd grader, Maia Paredes: “I feel relaxed and energized at the same time when I do yoga.”

Mrs. Sara Kolesar, a Central School grade 3 teacher, helped initiate the program at Central School after receiving funds through the Central School Parent Teacher Organization to develop the Yoga curriculum.

Kolesar was deeply committed to bringing Yoga to Central School.  “This program is near and dear to my heart and aligns nicely with the district’s mission. Participating in Yoga can support our students in living healthier lives. That means helping them become more self-aware so that they can better manage their emotions and behaviors, which allows them to be more receptive to learning.”

Each third-grade class will receive twelve, forty-minute sessions of yoga with Ms. Rachel Cronin. Cronin, who is a Registered Yoga Teacher and owner of Love Blossoms, has a passion to help others create balance in their health and wellbeing. “The Children’s Mindfulness & Yoga Program is a great tool for the students to be more in tune and connected with themselves and their peers, through breath, meditation, and yoga. We incorporate many aspects of Yoga in a fun and easy way, including traveling (with our imaginations) to outer space, learning through inspirational books during story time Yoga, and partnering with peers to build on trust, confidence, and respect. My goal with this program is to teach that Yoga is a great way to reach into our ‘Mindful toolbox’ when we are feeling worried, anxious or stressed and to focus on these techniques to relax, ease and trust in our ability to soothe those thoughts and find the peace that is already within.” – Cronin

Many teachers are seeing positive results that can be attributed to their student’s participation in the Yoga program. Mrs. Nicole Evins, Central School grade 3 teacher, remarks, “My students have benefited from our Yoga sessions in several ways.  They are learning calming techniques that they are utilizing in the classroom. Yoga is helping them improve their focus and also promoting a positive mindset. Third-grade teachers Mrs. Emily Cartolano-Gomez and Mrs. Allison Hecht are also excited about the program: “We have found that through the Yoga sessions, our students are more mindful and use what they are learning throughout the day.  They are also understanding body movements and literally stretching beyond what they thought they were capable of doing.”

The Central School teachers are not the only ones pleased with the Yoga program.  The students themselves love going to yoga and are excited each week to see Ms. Rachel.  “Yoga is awesome!” – Bennett Dealaman. “I feel happy when I do Yoga because it’s fun.” – Jessica Su.

Photos by Warren Township Schools:

Picture 5: Bennett Dealaman and Atharv Mahesh are focused on their stretch!

Picture 2: Adam Shaferman Danny Mendoza are paired up during Yoga class.

Picture 3: Charles Severe in the back, bright pink shirt is Ava Traina and Sophia Ulsaker work on some more challenging Yoga positions.

Picture 4: Sofia Saheli, Ava Traina, and Sophia Ulsaker enjoying Yoga class at Central School with Ms. Rachel.

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