(above) Joining Judges Marc Brown, left, and Richard Wischusen, right, are the newest advocates for Union County foster youth. They are, from left, Rich Leahey, Cranford; Andrea Dudley, Union; David Bernot, Union; Ona Ndupu, Hillside; Susan Ruszala, Scotch Plains; Vicki Racelis, Rahway; and Janet Smith, New Providence.
Rahway’s Vicki Racelis named an advocate for foster youth
Judges administer oath to new CASA volunteers
Vicki Racelis of Rahway is among the newest class of Court Appointed Special Advocate volunteers tasked with serving as extra eyes and ears for family law judges on cases of Union County youth removed from home due to abuse, neglect or abandonment and now living in foster homes or residential facilities.
Racelis said, “As a mother of three young children, I understand children thrive when their emotional, physical and educational needs are met. My goal is to improve the lives of children within our community and reassure them I will always be in their corner fighting for their best interests.”
After completion of approximately 30 hours’ training with Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Union County, she and classmates assembled at the Union County Family Courthouse to take their oath as advocates and judicial volunteers from Superior Court Judges Marc Brown and Richard Wischusen.
The new advocate class ranges from ages 28 to 61, are both parents and nonparents, and lines of work that include education, legal, real estate pharmaceuticals and freelancing. Most had no prior knowledge of the foster system. Racelis’ classmates include David Bernot and Andrea Dudley, both of Union, Rich Leahey of Cranford, Ona Ndupu of Hillside, Susan Ruszala of Scotch Plains and Janet Smith of New Providence.
After three hours’ court observation to see seasoned CASA volunteers in action, each of the advocates will meet their assigned foster youth. With court-ordered access to foster parents, doctors, caseworkers, therapists and teachers, CASA volunteers incorporate their findings into court reports and work to ensure each youth’s needs are met and best interests protected. They are a constant during chaos and work to ensure the youth’s trauma is not exacerbated in care.
There are approximately 500 Union County youth from birth to age 21 in foster care, and more than 200 still need their very own CASA volunteer, someone in their corner. Is that you? For details on upcoming trainings, contact Courtney at 908-293-8136 or cgreen@casaofunioncounty.org.

(above) Vicki Racelis