Valley Road School hosts 2nd Annual “Souper Bowl of Caring”

(above) Third Grade Student Council Members Counting Cans

Souper Bowl of Caring

Clark Public Schools

Student Council at Valley Road School hosted its 2nd annual “Souper Bowl of Caring” where students were encouraged to bring in a can of soup. Each can of soup was a vote toward the team they wanted to win the Super Bowl. The cans collected went to a local food bank to help those in need. Advisor and School Counselor Mrs. Badillo shared, “At the conclusion of each day, someone would go on the speaker system to give an update and when students saw me in the hallway they would say they were bringing in more cans in because they didn’t like who was winning at the time. It was great to see the kids so invested in an activity which only strengthens our camaraderie and school community. 

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