Valley Road School Kindergarten Students host Applefest

(above) Valley Road School Kindergarten students during Applefest.

Kindergarten Applefest

Valley Road School Kindergarten students hosted Applefest, a holiday community service tradition that has been celebrated for many years at the school.

This event encourages the entire school to get involved in the spirit of giving. The Kindergarten classes each bring in an apple–themed craft item and trade them to older students in grades 1-5. The craft item is exchanged for cans or boxes of food. All of the food collected from the Kindergarten children was donated to our local town food bank where many families were able to enjoy a full Thanksgiving dinner. This tradition brings joy to all of the children involved while creating a nice family project where parents and families are involved together. The students donated over 700 food items to deserving families!

Photos by Clark Public Schools

(above) 700 food items were donated during this year’s Applefest, which was donated to the local town food bank.

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