CLARK- Area residents banded together to raise money for multiple myeloma research at the Miracles for Myeloma 5K Run/Walk held on Saturday, September 26, 9:30am-11am at Oak Ridge Park in Clark.
Westfield resident Gina Klemm became involved with the event after her brother Frank Guarino succumbed to the disease. Mr. Ron Pask and his wife Sheree Pask of Clark have been the unflagging force in originating and continuing the event with the assistance of Mrs. Klemm. Mrs. Pask is currently in remission of the disease that is a form of cancer which forms in white blood cells. Mrs. Pask, a preschool teacher at the Westfield Presbyterian Church’s nursery school, has the support of her colleagues and friends who have formed a team this year. “Colleagues, parents with children and their dogs attended and it was a festive atmosphere with the tree-lined, wheel chair accessible pathway,” Mrs. Pask said of the race.
The Clark Kiwanis Club and Kiwanis’ sponsored Key Club from Arthur L. Johnson High School assist each year at the event. “I don’t know what we would do without the volunteer help of our Key Club and their adviser Ellen Zamboni,” Mrs. Park explained.
Miracles for Myeloma 5K Run/Walk started three years ago when approximately 500 people registered, participated and raised $50,000 in their first year. Last year the race involved almost 750 people from all over the state, raising almost $150,000 for International Myeloma Foundation (IMF).
A remembrance path lined the race pathway with laminated placards of the names of loved ones who fought cancer and people who are living with the disease. They are honored through donations by their friends and families. Please feel free to call 732-574-9182 to donate in memory or in honor of someone.
(Photo by Susan Dougherty)