The Rahway Police Department has launched an innovative new security camera registration program called SafCam to aid in the investigation of serious crimes. The Rahway PD is committed to utilizing every resource to prevent and solve crimes, and to protect citizens and their property. Many residents and businesses are already utilizing surveillance camera systems, and these cameras may capture persons and events without the owner’s knowledge. This captured information may help the Rahway Police Department solve crimes, and help to keep the town safe.
The Rahway PD is asking residents and businesses to register their privately-owned surveillance camera systems with the police department. As our officers respond to reports of criminal activity in our community, they may be able to use the information or footage captured on these security cameras to assist in the apprehension and prosecution of the criminals involved.
The SafCam program allows us to map out the locations of the cameras, so officers can find possible evidence faster. The directory would not allow officers to tap into private cameras, rather it would only indicate where the cameras are located. Using geographic locations of the registered cameras, the Rahway PD will be able to communicate directly by email or phone with citizens in an area in which a crime occurred. We may request that participants check their video surveillance system for a specific date and time to see if it captured something related to the crime (for example, a car or suspect). If the citizen finds any video evidence, they can contact the Rahway Police Department to make arrangements for video retrieval. This valuable evidence may then assist in the apprehension and prosecution of the criminals involved. You would only be contacted by the Rahway PD if there is an incident within the vicinity of your camera system. Officers or detectives may request to view the footage in order to assist in their investigation. Citizens and business owners who register their security cameras will receive a window sticker to show they are participating in the program.
Rahway Police Chief John Rodger stated, “The SafCam program is gaining momentum throughout the country. The Rahway Police Department has taken our program a step further by integrating the location of surveillance cameras into our mapping system. This information will be available to officers with the touch of a button, and will save countless hours of going door to door to see if residents or business owners have camera systems available. We are asking Rahway residents and business owners to take an active role in keeping their community safe.”
The online registration process is simple and only takes a few minutes to complete. Residents and businesses can register their cameras by going to and clicking the “register camera” button on the top right hand corner of the page.
There is no cost to register your camera, and your information is kept strictly confidential. As an added incentive, Ring camera system is offering a $25 discount for all Rahway residents who purchase their system from (Promo code: 41rahway).
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