Troop 17 Visits Sea Base in the Florida Keys

Troop 17 Visits the Florida Keys

BSA Troop 17

Sixteen members of BSA Troop 17 Short Hills traveled to Sea Base in the Florida Keys this summer to spend a week on a remote island.

The Scouts were technology-free for a few days, leaving their phones, watches, and computers behind. They dove right into life off the grid, hand-feeding giant tarpons, catching barracuda, and even preparing mangrove snapper that they reeled in for dinner.

A highlight for many of the Scouts was snorkeling both during the day and at night. They had plenty of chances to observe a colorful array of marine life, including dolphin, stingrays, sharks, angel fish, eels, spiny sea urchins, yellowtail snapper, and hermit crabs.

The island life presented a few new challenges to overcome and some great opportunities to work together, master new skills, and create life-long memories.

Troop 17 meets on Thursday nights at St. Rose of Lima in Short Hills from September to June and is accepting new members for the upcoming Scouting year. Please visit to learn more.

Courtesy photos

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