Thursday Morning Club Awards Five Scholarships to Madison Seniors

(above) TMC 2023 Scholarship Recipients: Benjamin Colao, Tommy Packie, Owen Weller, Nina Kornchankul, and Bethany Bradshaw.
Courtesy photo

TMC Awards Five Scholarships

On June 1, 2023, the Thursday Morning Club (TMC) awarded five scholarships to deserving Madison seniors at the annual Madison High Senior Awards Assembly. These Scholarships are given in memory of George Burroughs, who was the Madison Community House (MCH) Director for twenty five years. The MCH is owned and operated by the TMC.

The TMC George Burroughs scholarships recognize the importance of volunteerism, good character, and academic achievement. Among Benjamin Colao’s volunteer activities were the Red Cross, Peer Group Connection, and food pick-up program. Tommy Packie, an outstanding wrestler, assisted with the Junior Wrestling Program and worked committedly with the Green Village Volunteer Fire Department. Owen Weller worked with the Interact Club to help women in Kenya obtain equality in education and assisted grammar school children with ESL.  Nina Kornchankul worked with the Interact Club, Kids 2 Kids program, and the Madison Ambulance Corps. Bethany Bradshaw established the ‘Madison NJ Rocks’ project to reach out to Madison and surrounding communities to improve kindness and positivity; the project included a Kindness Garden.

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