Thursday Morning Club Installs Officers

(above, l-r) The Thursday Morning Club new Trustees installed for 2019-2021 are: Corresponding Secretary Peach Bolton, Assistant Treasurer Linda Gero, Recording Secretary Julie Trapp, President Susan Packie, Membership Jeannie Kosakowski, Communications Cathy Gotliffe, First Vice President Betty Landi, Ways and Means Anne Lawless. Photo by Britta Perry.

The Madison Thursday Morning Club Installs Officers

The Madison Community House (MCH) was the venue on May 2 for the Installation of the Thursday Morning Club (TMC) officers for the 2-year term from 2019-2021. The installation ceremony was conducted by Judith Fillippini, Vice President of the Highlands District of the NJSFWC.

Carol Schessler, outgoing TMC President, welcomed all the guests. In addition to acknowledging past presidents and previous honorees, President Schessler awarded Karen Jeisi with an Honor Roll charm in recognition of her intellectual vitality, complete responsibility and willing service to TMC. President Schessler also announced that TMC’s fundraising efforts for the past club year totaled $49,350.

Organized in 1896, the Club is a member of both the New Jersey State and General Federation of Women’s Clubs. The club offers programs and services to support the community, including Madison Community House Preschool and Before and After School Child Care program. The Thursday Morning Club is a non-profit service organization with over 260 members whose goal is to provide services for the town of Madison and neighboring communities.

For information about the Thursday Morning Club or membership, call the Community House at 973-377-0244 or visit

Submitted by Cathy Gotliffe

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